Modern Design: Smart Baby Case by Pouyan Mokhtarani

Participating in a design contest for long-time luggage-makers Samsonite, Iranian Industrial Designer, Pouyan Mokhtarani, creates the Smart Baby Case.
The inspiration behind his creation? The simple and “elliptical shape” of a common food source amongst Iranians: the egg.
“The embryo of most creatures live in an elliptical space in their early sperm life.” Says Mokhtarani. “My unique elliptical baby case, ‘Smart Baby Case’, is equipped with some primary and essential features that provide a safe and healthy environment for infants to grow in, allowing parents to be more productive while enjoy raising up their infants.”
His device–which seems to resemble a baby-carry-on–has another feature for babies of the future: a communication unit.
“My design allows parents to overcome [some parental] challenges by giving them the peace of mind that their kids are in a safe and smart environment, as well as being provided with essential/natural needs,” quips the Tehran University graduate.
“In addition to supporting basic natural needs, a set of cutting edge communication features allow parents to monitor their kids and interact with them remotely.”
The Smart Baby Case is also sound proof.
“Imagine taking your baby with you to a packed quiet opera house,” the young Iranian designer chimes.
Imagine that!
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