Carpet-Board: Persian Rugs on Wheels

You like?
We do!
In fact: we love!
Throughout time, Persian patterns have remained of the most enlightened, delicate, and precisely-detailed in the world…And we simply adore seeing more and more parts of our often-unmentioned culture so smartly inserted into the mainstream market. (In this case; urban playgrounds, empty pools, and skateboard ramps.)
Eric Esmailzadeh Parnes‘s newest creation and usable product(s): “Boards of Iran,” easily double as figurative flying carpets. (Pending upon how fast you can board.)
These beautiful urban pieces finally allow us to step (even with our dirtiest sneakers) on such recherché prints found mostly on the best of silk Persian rugs, guilt free.
“The geometric designs and intrinsic beauty of Persian rugs is well known and has been a coveted item both in the East, and West. It was only natural that these designs were chosen.” Says Parnes of his inspiration for the skateboards. “I recreated the designs from a vast selection of different styles of rugs, and tried to portray the subtle hand crafted imperfections that make them special.”
Parnes who skateboards “in theory” because it “would either ruin the beauty of the design, or [his] body,” humorously tells us that he made this product for “rug dealers, and naturally, their children.”
I suppose it’s fair to disclose I have family that own a rug store, as well as family friends who do. (But then again who doesn’t.) I would love to set up a skateboard shop in a Bazaar as a art concept.” Adds the New York-based Iranian artist. “It’s out there so that anyone who likes it gets it.”
Click here to purchase your own board or contact: for more info.