Prince of Persia Goes LEGO

Disney’s summer blockbuster, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, starring one of our honorary Persians, Jake Gyllenhaal, is being very well received by cirtics.
And as if all the positive pre-release press surrounding the action-packed Jerry Bruckheimer movie that’s destined to turn into a franchise isn’t enough…Dastan, Tamina, and all the other characters have been transformed into LEGO pieces.
By being turned into LEGOs, Prince of Persia is now immortalized.
As children, many of experienced the satisfying yet almost-obssessive sensation one gets when putting LEGOs together, and pulling them–sometimes pulling really hard–apart: Given our fond memories of LEGO-baazi (playing with LEGOs), we can’t help but get a little excited about this new Persian set.
(So maybe not every little single LEGO piece is precisely authentic to Persian culture…but remember, it’s based on a movie, that’s based on a video game.)
We’d definitely add it to our collection.
How about you?
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