This year, UK-based industrial design team, Arash + Kelly are planning to take their environmental initiatives one step further by making their Genius Pads and sticky notes from non-Tree, waste pulp–collected from crop farms–turned into unbleached paper.
“We’re launching the first batch of treeless paper sticky notes with public collective investment,” the designers envision. “We believe that people would like to switch to treeless paper and by launching in this way, we can all send out a message to the stationery and paper industries, and a beacon of hope to our precious forests.”
You can be part of the treeless sticky note campaign by becoming collective investors in the production of Treeless Paper sticky notes.
Without raising the price on the new product, Arash + Kelly are looking for 500 people to invest ~$32.00/£20.00 each, in the Treeless Genius Pads to kick-start the creation of a batch of non-tree-made paper to turn into sticky notes. The effort is called: Treeless 500 Club.
Each investor will receive regular updates on progress as well as 2 Treeless Genius Pads once they have been manufactured.
Founding members will also be listed as an original Treeless 500 club member on the back of the treeless Genius Pad and on Arash + Kelly’s website.
“Treeless paper is paper created from farm waste by-product, which would normally be burned, instead we will use it to make our paper. The crop waste can provide as much as 10% of world demand for paper and will be an ever important part of the mix of products we will be relying on in the future in order to reduce the stress and demand on our forests for wood based paper. We believe that creating sticky notes from waste by-product and then using profit from the sales to sustain and develop tree replanting plans we take a step in the right direction as a business.”
Visit ArashandKelly.com for more info.