Remembrance: Flashmob in Paris in Support of 2-Year Anniversary of #IranElection

Arranged by United4Iran and Move4Iran–two non-profit organizations focusing on human rights issues in Iran–a flashmob dedicated to all the lives lost and all the courageous Iranians who stood up for their rights during the 2009 #IranElection, took place in a Paris, France metro station on June 12, 2011, to mark two year anniversary of Iran’s disputed election.
This artistic and powerful move was coordinated “to draw attention to the ongoing human rights abuses Iran’s citizens continue to face…The flashmob’s intent was to highlight sustained international support for the Iranian people and to encourage individuals worldwide, who are lucky enough to be afforded basic freedoms, to recommit support for Iran’s civil rights movement,” as described by the video’s creators.
“During the silent flashmob, participants wore green and froze, while silently holding the peace/victory sign (“V”) — both of which are symbols of Iran’s civil society movement. The flashmob also showed sustained support for the movement in Iran. The flashmob concluded with everyone unfreezing and raising their “V”s [and] quietly echoed the fact that despite Iran’s civil society seemingly forced into silence, the movement continues,” in addition to being a reminder to people the “risks Iranians face daily in exercising basic human rights and the total impossibility of being able to even organize a silent demonstration like the Paris flashmob.” is calling for others around the world who may be interested to “coordinate similar flashmobs in their own cities” and even are willing to help with “ideas or suggestions” on how to put together your own flashmob in support of the Iranian people.
If you are ready to compose your own flashmob contact, for more information and help.
Watch the inspiring video, below: